Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I Like Ike

In this Bio Blog I will be sharing
my thoughts on personal biography.
Our lives are complex and composed
of many strands. Tomorrow I hope
to began unweaving one of those
strands about my own life. God Bless

[I’m starting this off with my interest in
politics and current events]
I became interested in politics and current
events very early on. I have distinct memories
of wearing “I Like Ike” buttons to church
the first time General Eisenhower’s ran for
president in 1952. I was 4 years old at the time.

Though I don’t remember much discussion of
politics at home my family was Republican in
political orientation and we had high hopes
for the Eisenhower administration.

I don’t remember the Korean War while it
was happening. Shortly after I started school
the teachers asked the parents to subscribe
for their children an in-class “newspaper” that
was geared for each grade level called
“My Weekly Reader.” My Weekly Reader
(MWW) was a four page news paper that
distilled current events down to the child’s
level of understanding. This was a attempt
to give children some comprehension of what
was happening in the larger world. I found for
the most part MWW interesting and followed
the current happenings through it. I also listened
to the radio and watched TV news during this time.

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