Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Illuminati, (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission

The mid-1970s proved to be another period of change
for our country with the resignation of President Nixon,
the final collaspe of South Vietnam and the sense of
American retreat from the advance of Soviet communism
and the 1973 Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion.
After a year as a committed student with Campus Crusade
I accepted an invitation to join their staff and was assigned
to their headquarters staff in Southern California. I arrived
there in November 1971.

Shortly after I coming to San Bernardino I had rather amusing
incident happen. I joined the local YMCA to use their weight
room for exercise. One of the denizens of the weight room
was a young man probably 19 or 20 who I shall call James.
James was not in real great shape physically however he had
an agenda. He was an ardent evangelist for the conspiracy theory
of history. He talked and talked insistently and constantly about
the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the
Trilateral Commission (Barry Goldwater wrote some interesting
things about these groups in the previous mentioned memior,
With No Apologies). In his eyes these entities formed a shadow
super government that was attempting to take over the world.
They were financed by the super rich big business families like
Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and others.
John got to be a pain as he wanted an audience even if it was
just you to listen to his theorizing about world conspiracies.
It was irritating because I (and others) was there to exercise
not to be a captive audience. I later came to realize that James
was enamored with what the John Birch Society was promulgating
at the time.

I do believed in evil spiritual influences whose goal is human
destruction and at that time an international Communist
conspiracy. While I grant that the super rich do exert
trememdous power in the affairs of many governments
I couldn’t accept the idea of an grand interlocking design
by the super rich to control both the Capitalist West,
the Communist East and the Third World. Eventually
I was able to get back to “plumping iron” in peace.

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