Saturday, April 22, 2006


The late, Great Planet Earth

The early 1970s were a turbulent time
as I’ve already written about both in
this country and around the world.
Christians are ones who are focused
into the signs of the times. The sense
of the end of history and the Second
return of Christ is a hope that Christians
look forward to with great expectancy.
Many ministers amd para-church ministries
place great emphasis on the prophetic
(future things) parts of the Bible.

Hal Lindsey wrote The Late Great Planet Earth
in 1970 which expressed in popular terms
the scenario of future things as laid out
in the Bible from a dispensationalist perspective.
This book was for that generation what the
Left Behind series is to this generation.
This type of eschatological thinking was
taught in the church that I grew up it.

As noted previously Christians of all persuasions
have looked forward to Christ’s return. This
doctrine of the imminent return of Christ has
often been a driving force in evangelism and
missionary outreach to the lost. There are
at least a couple of reasons for this. One is
to reach as many people with the Gospel
message before Christ’s return and also the
idea that reaching lost mankind will speed
Christ’s return.

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