Friday, May 12, 2006


Pro Life at SMCC III

Group prayer was an important element of the
pro-life committee and praying for the issue of
abortion stretched unused spiritual muscles.
Prayer for Christians often involves giving God
a laundry list of personal needs such as praying
for the recovery of sick loved ones and friends.
Sincere prayer involves personal repentance from
sin as well as praying for needs/petitions. The
Bible teaches for effective prayer repenance
needs to precede supplication. Perhaps the
difficult thing in personal as well as group
prayer is persistance on a theme/request
that God doesn’t seem to want to give an
answer for. As a committee we spend much
time praying about the issue.
Perhaps at more than any other time we came
to realize through these times of prayer that
the issue of abortion like so many other
societal/cultural problems facing us were
at their root spiritual issues. The issue of
abortion stems largely out of the promiscuous
sexuality that has pervaded 20th century
Western culture. It comes from the desire
to have the good things of monogamous
marriage without the responsiblities such
as fidelity and duty to raise the children
that are often the product of illicit sexual unions.

If birth control fails before conception happens
then abortion is available to get rid of the
unwanted baby. The baby is seen as an
inconvenience (or embarrassment) to the
mother, the father (who usually doesn’t
have a say in the matter or is strongly
counseling abortion) and her/his family.
The vast majority of abortions are not
for the hard cases like rape, incest or
the life of the mother, but because the
unborn child is viewed as an inconvenience.
While this may sound hard-nosed we are
talking a life and death situation for that
unborn baby.

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