Saturday, May 06, 2006


Ronald Reagan IV

Reagan suffered perhaps the greatest opposition
for his policies of any President of this century.
When the Iran-Contra controversy erupted which
was probably the lowest ebb of the his presidency
Reagan confronted it head on. Unlike Richard
Nixon in the early 1970s who denied complicity
in the Watergate scandel, Reagan seeing possible
wrongdoing came on television and basically
apologized to the American people (for his
ignorance) and promised an investigation and
justice for any possible criminal actions. He fessed
up, took the heat and ultimately rode out the
storm without having to resign his office or
be impeached.

While it was painful to watch Reagan confess
to probable wrong doing by his administration
he did the right thing by confronting the situation
forerightly and doing something about it before
it got out of control.

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