Monday, May 08, 2006


Ronald Reagan V

In May 2004 Ronald Reagan passed into history.
I remember shedding tears for him a truly
great man who was used by Providence to
achieve great and good things for his country
and the world. Not since the death of former
President Eisenhower in 1969 had I felt this
way about a national leader.

While Reagan did great things during his
Presidency one thing that he was long on rhetoric
and short on results was the abortion issue. Pro-life
advocates and abortion foes had supported Reagan
during both of his campaigns. He did restrict Federal
funding for abortion but the abhorrent Roe v. Wade
Supreme Court ruling was as firmly entrenched in
our legal system when Reagan took his first oath
of office (1981) as when he left the presidency in
1989. Perhaps his strongest attempt to get at this
Supreme Court ruling was his failed nomination of
Robert Bork to the court in 1987. The pro abortion
forces were too strong in the media and congress
to allow Bork on the Court.

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