Monday, February 18, 2008


High School Final Thoughts

My high school years weren't all that typical.
Since I didn't get my driver's licence until I was
18 things like school extracircular activities
(clubs or athletic events) were rare occurences.
The comics hobby and my weight training
(starting just before my senior year) defined
my interests fairly well at this point. Before
leaving this period I'd also like to mention two
of my senior high instructors who stand out.

One was Mr. Michael Pooleon. Mr. Pooleon was
a history teacher. He had the ability to make
world history come alive with his erudite yet
understandable lectures and helped me develop
an appreciation for all types of history. He turned
an otherwise dry and dull subject into something
important and relevant to the world in which we live.

The other teacher was the previously mentioned
Miss Nina Jones. She also had the ability to make
classic literature a fascinating journey into the past.
She guided us through the intricaries of the
Elizabethian English of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
and our class even attended a professional performance
of the play in a theatre in Vancouver, BC. She provided
her students with a template for good storytelling.

She and Mr. Pooleon were teachers in the best sense of
the word. They both exhibited the ability to not just help
their students understand the subject but to impart
more than a small part of their own passions for
these areas of learning.

I was a student in Michael Pooleon's American History class the first year he taught at Bellingham High School. I had already a "love" of history in general and American history in particular. But as a result of his class I read, for example, Washington Irving's KNICKERBOCKER TALES when I was sixteen. I learned to see and enjoy literature and its study as also a part of the study of history. Mr. Pooleon and his teaching always made the rainy Bellingham days brighter and I wanted to be a teacher "just like him!"
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