Monday, April 27, 2009


Campus Crusade Part 36

Examples of my busyness. In February 1980 which was during
the hostage crisis in Teheran, Iran a special noon prayer group
was formed o pray for the hostages and their release. I was
involved in that group on a frequent basis during that time.
On Feb. 28 and 29 I visited the Human Engineering offices
in Los Angeles with several of my Worldwide Challenge art
team for extensive appitude testing. This was a valuable
experience that I have gone back to over the years.

On March 1 I attended one of my former housemates wedding.
Dean Riffert (a non-CCC housemate from the Hamphire house)
married Mary (?). This was one of the romances that developed
during the course of our living together. On April 26 one of the
CCC photographers I worked with Tom Mills got married to
Karen Murphy. The next Saturday on May 3 Noreen Ketchum
my WWC workmate married Mr. Dave Davis and I also attended
that wedding. My other WWC office mates (Bill Rhodes and
Ann Clayton) had married their fiancees the previous September.
I had a number of lunch dates with single women whom I was
interested in. This was definitely a time of looking for a
prospective mate. Lunch and dinner dates, hikes, trips to
Disneyland were part of the dating routine. While marriage
was something I was interested in the relationships I had
never seemed to point definitely in that direction.

During 1980 a group of CCC artist frequently got together
for drawing at lunch time on Wednesdays. we asked other
staff members to pose (clothed of course) for us. On Tuesday
nights starting on March 4 I started a portrait painting class
given by the local community college. One of the other CCC
artists, Jacque Donecho (and for a time Kathy MacDonald)
attended with me during the course of this class.

On March 15 and 16th I visited Johnny Meitz and his family
near San Diego and go to see him with his hawks (He has
written a book on falconery under the name Johnny Hawk).
Johnny was the artist I took over from as the transparency
designer back in 1972. Johnny and left Campus Crusade at
that time and was doing freelance illustration and design.

While living with Don and Lucille Franklin (Jan-June 1980)
I did yard work and painted one of their bed rooms and had
meals and devotions and prayer times with them. Living with
Don and Lucille was very special after being flooded out
of my Hampshire home.

I developed regular prayer times with another staff member
a writer named Jim Lowe. Jim later left CCC staff and went
back to Lampasas, Texas to run his family'e local newpaper
after his father died.

Amongst those activities there were prayer letters to put
out, church and Sunday School to attend on Sundays,
School Board meetings, Book dicussion groups to got
to (and read the books).

Books I was reading that year ranged from Lenin in Zurich
by Solzhenitsyn, Til We have Faces by C.S. Lewis to
A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuckman to Mila 18 by
Leon Uris, to Foundation by Isaac Amioz to Eros Defiled
by John White to Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon
to Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs to
The Impressionists by Denis Thomas to
The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien to the
Battle for you Mind by Tim Lahaye to Star Trek:
The Motion Picture to Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim
and many others. Many of these were read for
the book discussion group.

I was involved with John Paul Stark's congressional
political compaign to oust longtime incumbent
George Brown. Precinct walking was a part of that.
1980 was the year Ronald Reagan run against
Jimmy Carter for president and I was very
interested in the race as were million of
other Americans.

I went home to Washington in September for my
support raising. During that trip my mother and I
took a side trip to Montana to visit my brother
LeRoy and his family. LeRoy at that time was pastoring
a small congregation in Manhattan, Montana called
the Manhattan Bible Church. During thast side trip
we visited Yellowstone National Park. The first time
I'd been there since I was a small child.

Of course I attended the San Diego Comic Con (July 31-Aug 3).

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