Monday, June 01, 2009


Campus Crusade Part 42

The next two months after my decision to leave Campus
was a whirlwind of activity. I was committed to designing
a final issue of AIA magazine (while my successor was being
chosen). It was also a time of packing and getting ready for
a move from the San Bernardino area to the San Gabriel valley.
I didn't seriously consider the option of continuing to live in
San Bernardino and doing the commute to Rosemead. While
many living in Southern California then and now do such daily
trips I didn't think it was at all practical. I needed to survey
the new area and find an affordable place to live.

There was a final prayerletter to write and send to my faithful
supporters informing them of my decision to leave Campus
Crusade and take up a new position with Narramore
Christian Foundation. My brother Russ, Nancy and nephew
Eric came to visit Southern California in June and were
supportive of my move. I officially resigned from my position
on the San Bernardino Christian School Board. There were
numerous good-byes to be offered to the many friends I had
made at CCC. This was made easier because I was within
easy driving distance and I planned on maintaining as
many relationships as possible. I had become a regular
with the CCC headquarters book discussion group and was
determined to stay in touch with many who were attending that.
There were many lunches and dinners with friends and former
housemates during this time.

Perhaps one of the hardest to leave was my friend Don Franklin.
He took it quite hard (I had become almost a son to him).
Don was very special as we had done a lot together. He had a
special place in my life. He was one of the most unforgettable
characters I'd ever met. He was a sincere Christian, a World War II
vet (though he was never sent overseas), a long time worker on
the Santa Fe Railroad and a dedicated weight lifter. He was still
doing 400 lbs full squats at 60 years old. He did actually go
with me and helped with the move in July and met some of
the people at my new workplace in Rosemead. I continued to
stay in touch with Don until his untimely death in 1986 (March 14).
I was told he was hiking up Mt Rudidoux, which we had done
together, when his heart gave out. While this was very sudden it
was a way that was appropriate for Don to leave this Earth
and enter heaven.

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