Monday, July 06, 2009


Narramore Years Part 5

There were other people that I enjoyed fellowship with
during the time I was working at NCF. Besides Roy Mathison
I worked with Debbie Bond. Debbie, originally from Chester,
Pennsylvania, was hired in 1983 to work with me on producing
the Psychology for Living magazine. Debbie was a cartoonist
and we had her do a number of illustrations for the magazine
as well as doing much of the paste up. Debbie was a delight
to work with and was one of the younger people in the
. She worked at NCF for two years
before leaving in 1985.

One special friend who worked in the print shop was
David Firenze. David worked as a print bindery assistant
and general gofer. David was a unique brother in the
Lord who was a strong ministering and witnessing Christian.
He had been active during the time of the Jesus movement
and taught home and church Bible studies. He worked at
NCF for well over 30 years. I went to a number of movies
with he and his wife, Linda and watched videos in their home.
David had a wonderful large library—actually a pastor's library.

Also in the print during the first years at Narramore was a
print work technician and negative "stripper" named Fred
Wachtman. Fred, who previously worked for Moody Films,
was an artist and he became an early contributor to
Alpha-Omega. He brought a unique perspective to the first
issues of the Apa with his auto-bio comics o his youth as a
worker on an Alaska fishing boat. John Davidson was the
head printer who had been with NCF for many years
and was a mechanical quiz who kept the printing presses
running with it seemed like bubble gum and bailing wire.

Dan Norris worked at NCF the first three years I was there.
Dan worked on the grounds crew while doing some post-graduate
(a graduate of Taylor College in Indiana) work in psychology.
Dan later moved to Illinois where he was involved in social work.
Dan was a natural athlete and he, Steve Hatch (also a grounds
worker) and I often played water volleyball at the NCF pool during
lunch breaks. Another water volley ball player was Dr. Lee Bendell
(VP of Administration). Dr Lee Bendell with his wife Gloria
(a concert vocal soloist) came to NCF after a distinguished
30-year career with the US Marine Corps (Lieut. Colonel)
with combat service in Korea and Vietnam (he was at
the battle of Kha Sanh). Dr. Bendell was with NCF from
1975 until his retirement in 1995.

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