Friday, January 01, 2010


Missouri Interlude (2003-2004)

During the summer of 2002 (living in Crosbyton, Texas)
I was sending out resume letters to prospective employers.
I decided to give Intercristo another try for prospective
employers with the Christian community. One possible
employer that I discovered from Intercristo was a
women's ministry group called Stonecroft Ministries.
While Stonecroft wasn't a familiar name to me I had
heard of the Christian Women's Clubs while I was
living in Washington as a young person.

I got in contact with Stonecroft who was advertising
to fill a publications manager's position. They saw
enough in my resume to cause them to issue an invitation
to visit their Kansas City, Missouri headquarters for
a job interview (late August 2002). While the position
I interviewed for was filled by someone from inside
the organization I did eventually take another position
with them.

I moved from Texas to Missouri in late February 2003.
For most of my time at Stonecroft I worked in the Book
Department and later for several months with their
internet/website department.

While in Kansas City I attended the Westbrook Church
and became involved with the Creation Science Association
of Mid-America attending their meetings and going on
several of their field trips. I was also active in
the Comic Creator's Network in Kansas City going to
their meetings and even became involved with one of
their 24 hour comics sessions. I had a comic strip
published in one of their published anthologies
(Show & Tell #2). During this time I also went to
Pennsylvania for the International Conference on
Creationism (2003) and made a trip to Chicago for
a summit of Christian comic artists (2004).

However, my time with Stonecroft proved to be
short-lived as I left Kansas City in early August
of 2004 for southeast Arizona.

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